
  • At InspiNest (Inspire Nest) we change mindsets towards innovation. We empower and inspire the youth in Ghana to change society through sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • We are a registered NGO and non-profit entrepreneurship hub and member of Ghana Hubs Network.
  • You can find us in Sunyani in the Bono region of Ghana.

InspiNest Impact

InspiNest Team

abigail inspinest

Abigail Sarwofaa

Hub Manager
inspinest pambo

Sherigabia Pambo

Project Manager & IT Instructor
Gloria bribi inspinest website

Gloria Bribi

Advisor & Board member
alberta dumong inspinest

Alberta Dumong

Field Officer
Edwin Kofi Arkoh

Edwin Kofi Arkoh

Communications Officer

Emmanuel Appiah

Graphic designer and Content Creator
felix dumong

Felix Dumong

CEO & Co-Founder
Emil Persson Inspinest

Emil Persson


Gideon Alexander Yeboah

Finance Officer

Who We Work With

Media Coverage

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