Exploring Copenhagen
Participants: Students from Frendensborg Skole,partners and friends in Denmark.
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark.
Digital Literacy Workshop
Participants: SHS students from St James Boys Seminary, Odumaseman, Don Bosco Technical Institute, Sunyani SHS.
Location: InspiNest Foundation, Sunyani.
Community Event
Participants: 30 girls from 5 girls high schools, teachers, Bono Regional Minister, NGO’s, stakeholders and other entrepreneurs.
Location: Sunyani, (Sunyani Youth Development Association)
Visit to Changemakers
Entrepreneurship Training in Sunyani
Participants: Artisans, nursing mothers, out of school girls
Location: Sunyani, (Sunyani Youth Development Association)
Civil Connections visit to Ghana
Participants : Evan and Jimena from Civil Connections and the InspiNest team.
Policy Dialogue
Participants: Governmental bodies and NGO’s in the Bono Region
Location: InspiNest Foundation, Sunyani
Advocacy group meeting
Participants : NGO’s, Stakeholders and Entrepreneurs in the Bono Region.
Location: InspiNest Foundation, Sunyani
Bono Changemakers – JHS students
Participants : JHS students from two girls only basic schools in the Bono region.
Bono Changemakers – SHS students
Participants: SHS students from five girls only high schools in the Bono Region.
Bono Changemakers – Training of Trainers
Participants: Teachers from 5 girls only high schools in the Bono region.
Robotics and Career Guidance
Participants: Local kids from Sunyani aged 8-15
Gallery photo credit:
Motion Captures
Asamoah William (Photographer)
+233 55 413 0238