Community Event in Collaboration with National Youth Authority.

Beyond the many infrastructural challenges militating against efforts to bridge the digital divide in developing countries is the low level of digital literacy among the populace. Ensuring people acquire the required training to leverage modern technologies and disabuse their minds of the demotivating misconceptions are as important as improving digital infrastructure.

On Friday, 2nd August 2024, InspiNest collaborated with the Bono Regional National Youth Authority Secretariat to hold a community event which brought together ten youth associations and other residents of the various communities in Sunyani at the Sunyani Municipal Assembly Hall. The theme, “Bridging the Gap: Digital Literacy for Growth and Development”, sought to educate members of the communities on how they can advance in their various fields of endeavors with the effective use of technology and the responsible use of social media. The speakers of the event were: Mr. Felix Dumong, Co-Founder of InspiNest and Founder of Dumong Systems; Fatahi Pambo, I.T instructor at Dumong Systems and Project Manager at InspiNest and Mr. Kofi Aduse-Poku, Bono Regional Director (Ag) of National Youth Authority.

The InspiNest team (In white t-shirts) with the Bono Regional Director (Ag) and Programs Manager of NYA.

Our Guest of honor, Mr. Kofi Aduse-Poku, praised the program as an excellent opportunity for the youth of Sunyani to gain valuable knowledge and encouraged them to avail themselves for such initiatives intended for their advancement. He also stressed on the need for institutional synergy and called on all NGOs within the region to collaborate with governmental institutions in the pursuit of their visions. Mr. Aduse-Poku finally emphasized the need for peace and admonished the youth to desist from all acts that may jeopardize our democracy this election year.

Mr. Kofi Aduse-Poku, Acting Bono Regional Director, National Youth Authority.

Mr. Felix Dumong stressed how important it is for all persons, regardless of occupation, to adopt the use of technology. He illuminated the diverse ways technology engenders the exponential growth of enterprises and other fields of work.

We have seen across the world, it doesn’t matter the nature of your work, how digital solutions have come to bring enhancement and help people to make data-driven solutions which accelerate growth. Whenever someone is literate digitally, it comes with growth; it comes with propelling whatever the person is doing because that is a huge addition to boost whatever business the person is doing.

Mr. Felix Dumong, Founder of Dumong Systems and Co-Founder of InspiNest Foundation

Jimmy—the deputy secretary for Zongo Youth for Development—shared with us how the event had empowered him to bring his business ideas to life with renewed clarity and confidence. He said:

There are many misconceptions about digital literacy. People say that those who learn IT become scammers and thieves and do a lot of things on the internet that are not acceptable in society, but it is not true. When I came here, I learnt a lot. Myself, I am trying to establish a business, but I didn’t know how I was going to market it online. Coming here to learn a little bit of information, I’m pretty sure that when I go home, I can sit down and plan on how I’m going to do my thing. I am also very sure that the digital knowledge I have received here is going to help me a lot.

Watch interview here:

A participant asking a question during the Q&A session

Many of such stories have been shared with us in the course of our Digital Literacy and IT Entrepreneurship project, from both the communities and schools. We at InspiNest remain committed to contributing our quota to bridge the digital divide among the people of Sunyani, and true to our quest to change the minds of people towards innovation.