InspiNest(Inspire Nest) is a registered NGO in Sunyani in the Bono Region Ghana. We are a non-profit organisation and member of Ghana Hubs Network.
Our Mission
- Empower young africans to change society by developing innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets.
- Support development of innovative and successful businesses in Ghana which are sustainable and financially viable.
- Promote and boost computer literacy.
Our Vision
- We empower young Ghanaians to change society through entrepreneurship and innovation.
Our Values
- We practice what we preach
- We leave no one behind
- When we fail we learn
InspiNest Team

Inspire Nest

The youth population in Africa and Ghana is rapidly growing and so is youth unemployment.
Lack of stronger educational foundation, entrepreneurial skills and capital are among some of the key factors affecting youth employment and entrepreneurship in Ghana. Nevertheless, Ghana is endowed with very smart, creative and talented people who regardless of the socio-economic challenges, are applying themselves and making decent livelihoods for themselves and their families.
Increasingly, the youth are developing innovative ways to overcome poverty for themselves and their communities. These and other developments are changing the narrative of Africa away from a continent plagued by hunger, poverty and diseases to a continent endowed with talented individuals who are relentlessly seeking and developing innovative ways of addressing broader socio-economic challenges of our age.
InspiNest (Inspire Nest) was established to support this new narrative by empowering and providing the youth of Ghana with the necessary tools and support to succeed in their undertakings.
Our story
The co-founders of InspiNest Ltd, Felix Dumong and Mark Achaw were driven to provide people especially those in deprived communities the tools and skills to overcome the challenges of the 21st century.
In 2001, Mark Achaw, then a computer instructor at the Ayi Owen International School in the Brong Ahafo of Ghana was determined to empower and improve girls’ interest in computers and Information technology (IT) as well as evolve techniques of providing alternative learning to students with dyslexia. Consequently, with the support of the school Director, various computer camps (in today’s terms boot camps or hackathons) and blended learning sessions (which combined traditional classroom learning with multimedia aids and computer educational programs) were organized for these special groups. These initiatives have since evolved and today Ayi Owen International is known for organizing successful tailored computer lab programs for pupils at all levels including preschool.
In 2014, Felix Dumong, who had just completed his National Service wanted a new fresh start. Like most of his colleagues, finding the right employment was a challenge. He had the passion and desire to change lives through Information Technology, by developing systems and training people, to empower and give them an advantage in the field of Information Technology. Thus, he established DUMONG SYSTEMS (DS) an Information Technology company specializes in database management, application development, application support and software development training.
His decision to establish DUMONG SYSTEMS in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana was first and foremost to catalyze and be the change driver for the promotion and development of IT skills in the region. Additionally, he wanted to demonstrate that successful businesses can also be developed in resource-limited environments. He has since demonstrated that by developing various business software applications for Micro- Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) across Ghana. Also, various training and internship progammes have been organized for different groups including children between the ages 7-14 years. DUMONG SYSTEMS shares its office space with Inspinest Foundation in the heart of Sunyani.
In 2020 InspiNest welcomed Emil Persson, an entrepreneur and educated innovator from Denmark, and InspiNest Foundation was founded and registered as an NGO (non-profit) in Sunyani, Ghana.
Since late 2021, InspiNest Foundation has implemented development projects with focus on youth entrepreneurship in the Bono Region in cooporation with the Danish partners Civil Connections Community Foundation and SDG World funded by CISU (Civil Society in Development).